

张聪(ZHANG Cong


2016年获得哈佛⼤学教育学博⼠。2017年任复旦⼤学⻘年副研究员, 2021年任复旦⼤学副教授,人类学民族学研究所所长助理, 2019浦江人才。主要从事教育人类学相关研究,研究方向包含当代中国家庭的教育与养育、代际和亲属关系、跨国流动和国际教育







  1. Zhang Cong*, Yang AZ, Kim S, Fong VL. 2022. Why Parents’ Fertility Plans Changed in China: A Longitudinal Study. The China Quarterly 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0305741022001229

  2. Zhang, Cong*., Kim, S., Yoshikawa, H., Fong, V. L., Chen, X., Way, N., & Lu, Z. 2022. Lineage Difference in Grandmothers’ Childcare Help and Mothers’ Parenting Stress in Urban China. Journal of Family Studies 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1080/13229400.2022.2113338

  3. Kim, S. W., Zhang, C*., Yoshikawa, H., Fong, V. L., Chen, X., Way, N. & Ke, X. 2022. Family duties and job flexibility: Tradeoffs for Chinese urban, educated mothers with toddlers. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 53(1), 25-47. DOI: 10.3138/jcfs-2021-0045

  4. 张聪*; 何潇。中国社会变迁下的儿童养育与教育:英文文献的综述。2021.华东理工大学学报 社会科学版,6(36), 120-131.

  5. Zhang, Cong*, Aaron Z. Yang, Sung won Kim and Vanessa L. Fong. 2021. How Chinese Newlyweds’ Experiences as Singletons or Siblings Affect Their Fertility Desires. The China Quarterly, 247, 835-854. DOI:10.1017/S0305741020001101

  6. Kim, Sung Won & Zhang, Cong*. 2021. Factors influencing Korean students’ choice of study abroad destination short-term and long-term by destination country. Asia Pacific Education Review. 1-12. DOI:10.1007/s12564-021-09705-w

  7. Fong, Vanessa L., Greene Ko, Cong Zhang, and Sung won Kim. The Leftover Majority: Why Urban Men and Women Born under China's One-Child Policy Remained Unmarried Through Age 27. In Yunxiang Yan, ed., Chinese Families Upside Down: Intergenerational Dynamics and Neo-Familism in the Early 21st Century. Boston, MA: Brill Publishers (2021).

  8. Kim, Sung Won*., Zhang, C., Hyeyon Chung, Yunjung Kim, Su Yon Choi. 2020. Why do women value credentials?  Perception of gender inequality and credentialism in South Korea. International Journal of Educational Development, 73(4),1-9, DOI:10.1016/j.ijedudev.2020.102158

  9. Zhang, Cong*., Fong, V. L., Yoshikawa, H., Way, N., Chen, X., Lu, Z. & Deng, H. 2020. How Urban Chinese Parents with 14-Month-Old Children Talk about Nanny Care and Childrearing Ideals. Journal of Family Studies, 26(4), 611-627. DOI: 10.1080/13229400.2018.1447983

  10. Zhang, Cong*., Fong, V. L., Yoshikawa, H., Way, N., Chen, X. & Lu, Z. 2019. The Rise of Maternal Grandmother Child Care in Urban Chinese Families. Journal of Marriage and Family, 81(5), 1174-1191. DOI:10.1111/jomf.12598


复旦-哈佛医学人类学合作研究中心 研究员 (2017-);

上海人类学学会应用人类学专业委员会 秘书长 (2021-).