张心洁 (Hsin-Chieh, CHANG)
目前主持的科研项目:东亚全球城市的性别、迁移与“Going Solo”:上海、台北、首尔的千禧世代比较研究 (上海市哲学社会科学规划一般课题)
2021. “Receptivity to different types of migrants in Taiwan: Civic behavior and support for same-sex marriage as novel correlates. Current Sociology. DOI: 10.1177/00113921211039264
2020. “Do gender systems in the origin and destination societies affect immigrant integration? Vietnamese marriage migrants in Taiwan and South Korea.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46 (14): 2937-2955.
2018. “Social participation and support network patterns among marriage migrants in South Korea: Does place of residence matter?” Chinese Journal of Sociology 2018;4(2): 236-261.
2016. “Marital power dynamics and wellbeing of marriage migrants.” Journal of Family Issues 2016; 37(14): 1994-2020.
2016. “Migration processes and self-rated health among marriage migrants in South Korea.” Ethnicity & Health 2016; 21(1): 20-38 (with Steve Wallace).