

胡安宁(HU Anning





国家社会科学基金重大课题“中华优秀传统文化创造性转化与创新性发展的社会实现路径与机制研究” (22ZDA081)首席专家;国家社会科学基金重大课题 “代际社会学视野下中国新生代的价值观念与行为模式研究” (19ZDA145)子课题负责人;国家社会科学基金重大课题 “大数据驱动的网络社会心态发展规律与引导策略研究”(19ZDA149)子课题负责人。


1. 胡安宁.2020. 《应用统计因果推论》. 上海:复旦大学出版社.

2. 胡安宁.2022.实质认同与图式关联:对文化作用机制的社会学分析. 《学术月刊》第11期.

3. 胡安宁. 2022.以文本为基础的社会科学研究:从内容分析到算法模型.《学术论坛》第1期【人大复印资料全文转载】【《中国社会科学文摘》全文转载】【《新华文摘》全文转载】【《社会科学文摘》全文转载】【《高等学校文科学术文摘》转载】。

4. 胡安宁. 2022. 文化资本:何以文化,何以资本?——理论辨析与未尽议题. 《清华社会学评论》第16辑【人大复印资料全文转载】。

5. 胡安宁. 2021. 社会学的文化转向如何避免“装饰社会学”陷阱?《社会科学》第8期【人大复印资料全文转载】。

6. 胡安宁,吴晓刚,陈云松. 2021. 处理效应异质性分析——机器学习方法带来的机遇与挑战. 《社会学研究》第1期。

7. 胡安宁. 2020. 社会学视野下的文化传承:实践-认知图式导向的分析框架. 《中国社会科学》第5期 【人大复印资料全文转载】【《高等学校文科学术文摘》2020年第4期收录】

8. 陈云松、吴晓刚、胡安宁、贺光烨、句国栋. 2020. 社会预测:基于机器学习的研究新范式. 《社会学研究》第3期。【人大复印资料全文转载】

9. 胡安宁. 2019. 主观变量解释主观变量:方法论辨析.《社会》第3期. 【上海市社联年度推介论文】【高等学校文科学术文摘2019年第4期收录】

10. 胡安宁. 2018. 差序格局,“差”、“序”几何?——针对差序格局经验测量的一项探索性研究. 《社会科学》第1期 【上海市哲学社会科学优秀成果】【人大复印资料全文转载】

11. 胡安宁. 2017. 老龄化背景下子女对父母的多样化支持: 观念与行为. 《中国社会科学》第3期。【上海市哲学社会科学优秀成果】

12. 胡安宁. 2017. 统计模型的“不确定性”问题与倾向值方法. 《社会》第1期【人大复印资料全文转载】

13. 刘欣、胡安宁. 2016. 中国公众的收入公平感:一种新制度主义社会学的解释. 《社会》第4期。【教育部哲学社会科学优秀成果】【上海市哲学社会科学优秀成果】

14. 胡安宁.2014. “教育能否让我们更健康——基于2010年中国综合社会调查的城乡比较分析”,《中国社会科学》第5期。【《新华文摘》2014年第19期转载】【上海市社联2014年十大推介论文】【上海市哲学社会科学优秀成果】【教育部哲学社会科学优秀成果】

15. 周怡,胡安宁.2014. “有信仰的资本:温州民营企业主慈善捐赠行为研究”,《社会学研究》第1期。【全文曾刊发于《中国社会科学内部文稿》】【英文版发表于Journal of Chinese Sociology】【上海市哲学社会科学优秀成果】

16. 胡安宁,周怡. 2013. “一般信任模式的跨部门差异及其中介机制:基于2010年中国综合社会调查的研究”,《社会》第4期。

17. 胡安宁,周怡. 2013. “再议儒家文化对一般信任的负效应——一项基于2007年中国居民调查资料的考察”.《社会学研究》第2期。

18. 胡安宁. 2012. “倾向值匹配与因果推论:方法论述评”. 《社会学研究》第1期。【人大复印资料全文转载】

19. Hu, Anning. 2023. “Heterogeneous Treatment Effects Analysis for Social Scientists: A Review.” Social Science Research 109,102810.

20. Hu, Anning, Xiaogang Wu, Dongyu Li, and Tao Chen. 2022. “Cultural Reproduction and Cultural Mobility from a Comparative Perspective: Mechanism-based Elaboration and Decomposition.” Comparative Education Review 66(2): 253-279.

21. Hu, Anning and Xiaogang Wu. 2021. “Cultural Capital and Elite University Attendance in China.” British Journal of Sociology of Education 42(8): 1265-1293.

22. Hu, Anning, Xiaogang Wu, and Tao Chen. 2021. “Changing Subjective Wellbeing across the College Life:  Survey Evidence from China.” Chinese Sociological Review 53(4): 409-429.

23. Hu, Anning.2021. “Outward Specific Trust in the Balancing of Hierarchical Government Trust: Evidence from Mainland China.” British Journal of Sociology 72(3): 774-792.

24. Hu, Anning and Dongyu Li. 2021. “Are Elders from Ancestor-Worshipping Families Better Supported? An Exploratory Study of Post-Reform China.” Population Research and Policy Review 40:  475–498.

25. Hu, Anning, Grace Kao, and Xiaogang Wu. 2020. “Can Greater Reliance on Test Scores Ameliorate the Association between Family Background and Access to Post-Collegiate Education? Survey Evidence from the Beijing College Students Panel Survey.” Social Science Research 88-89: 102425.

26. Hu, Anning and Xiaogang Wu. 2019.“Parental Education and College Students’ Attitudes toward Love: Survey Evidence from China.” Journal of Marriage and Family 81(3): 584-600.

27. Hu, Anning and Feinian Chen. 2019. “Allocation of Eldercare Responsibilities between Children and the Government in China: Does the Sense of Injustice Matter?” Population Research and Policy Review 38(1): 1-25.

28. Hu, Anning and Xiaogang Wu. 2019. “Science or Liberal Arts? Family Background, Cultural Capital, and College Major Choice in China.” British Journal of Sociology 71(1): 190-213.

29. Hu, Anning. 2017. “Radius of Trust: Gradient-based Conceptualization and Measurement.” Social Science Research 68: 147-162.

30. Hu, Anning. 2017. “Changing Perceived Importance of Religion in Mainland China, 1990 – 2012: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis.” Social Science Research 66: 264-278.

31. Hu, Anning. 2017. “Providing More but Receiving Less: Daughters in Intergenerational Exchange in Mainland China.” Journal of Marriage and Family 79 (3): 739–757.

32. Hu, Anning. 2017. “On the Relationship between Subjective Inequality and Generalized Trust.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 49: 11-19.

33. Hu, Anning and Zhenchao Qian. 2016. “Does Higher Education Expansion Promote Educational Homogamy? Evidence from Married Couples of the Post-80s Generation in Shanghai, China.” Social Science Research 60: 148-162.

34. Hu, Anning. 2016. “Ancestor Worship in Contemporary China: An Empirical Investigation.” China Review: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Greater China 16(1): 169-186.

35. Hu, Anning. 2015. “Evaluating Educational Inequality within Educational Expansion: A Formal Comparison between Odds Ratio and the Educational Gini Coefficient.” Journal of Mathematical Sociology 39 (4): 280-303.

36. Hu, Anning and Jacob Hibel. 2015. “Where Do STEM Majors Lose Their Advantage? Contextualizing Horizontal Stratification of Higher Education in Urban China.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 41: 66-78.

37. Hu, Anning and Zhenchao Qian. 2015. “Educational Homogamy and Earnings Inequality of Married Couples: Urban China, 1988-2007.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 40: 1-15.

38. Hu, Anning and Nicholas Vargas.2015. “Economic Consequences of Horizontal Stratification in Postsecondary Education: Evidence from Urban China.” Higher Education 70: 337-358.

39. Hu, Anning. 2015. “A Loosening Tray of Sand? Age, Period, and Cohort Effects on Generalized Trust in Reform-Era China, 1990-2007.” Social Science Research 51: 233–246.

40. Hu, Anning and Reid Leamaster. 2015. “Intergenerational Religious Mobility in Contemporary China.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 54(1):79–99.

41. Hu, Anning. 2015. “The Changing Happiness-Enhancing Effect of a College Degree under Higher Education Expansion: Evidence from China.” Journal of Happiness Studies 16(3): 669-685.

42. Hu, Anning and Jacob Hibel. 2014. “Changes in College Attainment and the Economic Returns to a College Degree in Urban China, 2003- 2010: Implications for Social Equality.” Social Science Research 44: 173–186.